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Porumb Flotant Claumar 10buc Verde Fluoro

  • Producător: Claumar
  • Cod produs: clm201195-0554
  • Disponibilitate: Livrare imediată!

8,00Lei Reducere: 25% 6,00Lei

Stoc Magazin fizicStoc Depozit ClaumarStoc Furnizor
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Porumb Flotant Claumar In Aroma Scopex

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Porumb Flotant Claumar 10Buc Verde Fluoro

Porumbul artificial Claumar este realizat in Romania dintr-un material foarte flotant ce poate retine aroma pana la 72 de ore.Este foarte rezistent la multiplele intepaturi ale crosetei si totodata este destul de moale pentru a putea fi folosit cu usurinta cu orice tip de croseta.

  • Plicul Contine 10 Buc.

Tip Produs Porumb Flotant
Model Porumb Flotant Claumar
Aroma Fara Aroma
Culoare Verde Fluoro
Mod de Ambalare (Cantitate) 10 Buc
Alte Specificatii Artificial
Review-uri (1 de review-uri)
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5 stele
4 stele
3 stele
2 stele
1 stea


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Linkuri utile: Porumb Flotant Claumar 10Buc Verde Fluoro clm201195-0554 Porumb Artificial Porumb Artificial Claumar Porumb Claumar Artificial Claumar Claumar

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